
March Newsletter 2017

President's Report

Hi, wow where did summer go, or did we have one? Believe it or not here we are
planning the April competition, and yes my friends that is autumn.
I hope you had a chance to get along to the March competition; it was another beauty,
lots of fish, lots of anglers, and lots of kids, forty three of them in fact.
I have to say it is really great to see more and more kids coming along and thank you to the
parents and Grandparents that take the time to get them out on the water.
March was a three day competition for game fish and thanks to our excellent sponsors,
Challenge, Plumbco, Matamata Vets, King Electrical, and Matamata Marine, there were
prizes galore. It was very pleasing to have a marlin caught during the competition as they
are very few and far between out there at the moment, a big congratulations to Hayden
Begovich and team Leander.
There was also some very nice snapper weighed in with top catch going to Joshua
Bungard and some very nice kingies, the top weight to Arrum Ali. Check out the rest of the
newsletter for some awesome catches by the kids.
I would like to take a moment to make special mention of the support given to the
kid's prizes etc by Waharoa Transport, Glenn and Sharon's contribution for the March and
April is very significant and helps make those competitions very special, I'm sure you
would agree with me on that.
Our next competition will come around quick as it is on the 1st and 2nd of April.
The Competition has been sponsored by LJ Hooker, Matamata Auto Services and
Electrical and Waharoa Transport for a long time now and I 'm very pleased to say that is
going to continue. I would like to say many thanks to the Barron Family for their support
as owners of LJ Hooker, Gibson and Valerie have been excellent supporters and I hope
they keep their association with our club going. Jack and Colleen Van Lierop have
taken over the helm at LJ Hooker and have very kindly agreed to carry on their support.
I'm sure they will be very welcome at the club, they are great people with a great sense
of humour, I'm sure you will make them welcome.
The same must be said for Brain and Kerry Raupi from Matamata Auto Services and
Electrical, they are running an excellent business down there on Broadway and their
support of our club is excellent.
There will be prizes galore for April and as a special prize and a bit of fun, also a way of
encouraging people to ice their fish properly, there will be a $30.00 Sportsworld Voucher
for the best presented bin of fish.
Graham our weigh master has mentioned that a few fish are coming in quite warm so
we are trying to encourage everyone to look after your catch a little better, and have a bit
of fun with it.
So see you all on Sunday the 2nd, happy fishing, have fun out there. Remember,
daylight savings ends that weekend so our weigh in time moves to 4-5pm.
Kind Regards