
October Newsletter 2017

President's Report

Hi all, “put it on and people will come” they say, so we did and they did. Sunday October the 8th was not a nice day weather wise but due to our awesome sponsors, Daltons, Chookys Auto, Allenco Marine and Directional Drilling, the prizes were lined up in abundance and the members turned out in numbers to enjoy the spoils, many thanks guys.

On the fish scene there was a lot to be admired, kids like the Henderson girls heading out to Mayor Island with dad and granddad, full of smiles at the weigh station, and young Latham Begovich at just six catching his biggest fish ever, a snapper.

We had a hundred people at prize giving and many of them kids and ladies. I’m so pleased they feel at home at our great club and special thanks to our excellent committee making everything run so well, they are a great team of people creating a very good atmosphere for you. November the 4th and 5th is our next competition and it is huge. All together we have nearly 50 sponsors for this competition, also a major sponsor, Swap Contractors. Those guys are putting up a huge range of prizes and once again we will be auctioning off a trip on their beautiful launch Savana City. This trip will be available for the December competition and all money raised will go to prizes for it. Just a wee reminder the competition is a normal two days with our club rules allowing members to start fishing from midnight Friday night, also don’t forget weigh in time is staying at 4pm to 5pm Sunday.

With new people on the committee come new ideas, Garth Fawcett has come up with a challenge for our November competition, there will be a good prize offered for best released Snapper. You must have photographic evidence to present to the weigh master, e.g. Snapper lying on top of a clear and accurate measuring device. Last but not least congratulations to Phil Stevens and Chooky Conder, these boys fished out of Raglan and weighed in the best bin of Snapper seen at the club for many years, well done guys.  We have had suggested to us that we cut the numbers of fish you weigh in, you can still catch your MAF limits of course but to make things easier on the weigh master, and to save time, it could be a good idea. We want your feedback so next competition let our weigh master, Graham the Snapper guru Hornsey know what you think.

Last but not least. Our overseas trip: as I have mentioned at prize giving we are looking at a trip to Rarotonga next June, we now need a serious indication of who would be keen, please let me know on 07 888 8515.

Happy Fishing
